We hope to provide you with an insight into our vibrant, creative, and happy school to give your child the best start to discover a world of opportunities.
Long back, 35 years ago, in 1979 she happened to visualise the potential of the residents of slumbering village Reengus, yearning to wake up and shape itself into a vibrant township. She had a vision, she armised that it was only education that could transform a society she lost no time to establish Central Children Academy, a School based on public school worth the name. After Crusading Zeel surmounted initial hurdle soon she become an icon in the society especially of woman folk. Her untiring and arduous endeavour of about two decades has now blossomed into a senior secondary school having all the three Science, Commerce and Arts Faculties and of course computer education with hostel facility from nearly localities and village benefit the school provides conveyance facilities to the desirous.
We paid her our TRIBUTE by opening of a English Medium School based on missionary School pattern with skilled faculty and modern most teaching aids and tools for the over all and the utmost enfoldment of the latent potential of the incubamon with reverence.
This school almanac is one of the important means of contact between school and home. It enables a two way communication between you and us and comprises not only a statement and explanation of school rules and activities, system of examinations and parent-teacher meetings, but also provides every important information /idea/ suggestion that you may wish to give us at any point of time.
I request you please do interact with the teachers on a regular basis, as it is only with mutual cooperation that we will succeed in our mission of creating an environment where the child develops
The most remarkable thing today is the rapid degradation of the moral values. So the need of the day is to provide such system of education which can help our children to build up character for preserving moral values. We believe not in words but in action. Our school is committed to carry on the ideals mentioned above. Discipline is another important thing which is lacking today remarkably. We are very much alert regarding this and our school will emphasis this point. We believe that without discipline life is like a boat without rudder in the sea. We believe that each child has potential to develop himself/herself though they need to be disciplined properly.We are committed to strive towards a system of quality education,
developing the holistic personality of child and making learning a pleasure, providing many opportunities of advancement of growth by constant participation in games, sports and co-curricular activities.
Our common goal in School is not only to teach / learn academic subjects but simultaneously help children achieve their highest potential.
A whole new world opens up for children in School. A world of teachers, friends, peers, seniors and a host of activities and responsibilities. It is in environment that they learn to cope with and develop in to responsible human beings with good moral values.
Nothing can be achieved without mutual cooperation. We want our children to be disciplined , well behaved and tolerant and respect the rights of others . The school seeks to develop the talents of the child to the full by following modern pedagogic methods. Individual attention is given to each student with a view to providing all aspects of education, ethical, social, artistic and spiritual. At the same time, children are encouraged to express themselves freely and creatively in a joyful and interactive atmosphere.
The most remarkable thing today is the rapid degradation of the moral values. So the need of the day is to provide such system of education which can help our children to build up character for preserving moral values. We believe not in words but in action. Our school is committed to carry on the ideals mentioned above. Discipline is another important thing which is lacking today remarkably. We are very much alert regarding this and our school will emphasis this point. We believe that without discipline life is like a boat without rudder in the sea. We believe that each child has potential to develop himself/herself though they need to be disciplined properly.We are committed to strive towards a system of quality education,
developing the holistic personality of child and making learning a pleasure, providing many opportunities of advancement of growth by constant participation in games, sports and co-curricular activities.